Thomastown, VIC 3074
Integrity Sampling is among Australia's leading companies that has helped hundreds of customer throughout Australia with their services. The company provides comprehensive workplace alcohol and drug testing services. The company has its headquarters located in Thomastown, Victoria and it also has offices located in all other states of Australia. The company is a 100% Australian owned and operated business.

Drug and alcohol management and testing is our sole business and we are experts at what we do. Integrity Sampling's Drug and Alcohol Management Programs (DAMP) comprise all of our best strategies to enhance fitness for work in your workplace. Drug testing Melbourne aim to assist employers and employees to understand and manage alcohol and other drug issues within the workplace.

Nearby Service areas are: Aberfeldie, Essendon, Essendon West, Essendon North, Strathmore, Strathmore Heights, Keilor Park, Niddrie