Kirkham Road West
Keysborough, VIC 3173
"Platinum Elevators are a locally owned and operated company with a highly professional, motivated and friendly team who specialise in supplying the best products and services to meet the needs of the Australian industry. We are committed to delivering affordable luxury. Our company is built on core family values and we honour every client as a family member, the finer details which matter to you also matter to us. We will always go the extra mile to ensure all your needs are satisfied throughout the entire process. We are passionate about what we do!
Platinum Elevators Suite Lift range of products have over 25 years of design and manufacturing experience built into them. Each Suite lift package comprises of today's latest cutting-edge technology, resulting in the highest quality, stylish and efficient lift systems. We are committed to continuous improvement and design innovation.
Suite lifts are manufactured using innovative, energy-efficient machinery such as the automated Fiber Optic Laser Cutting machine. The entire production relies on the energy produced by a 100 kw solar power system installed at the manufacturing plant. Thanks to this, the factory is energy self-sufficient, confirming our commitment to a greener future."