Coolangatta, QLD 4225
The Supdesk
Fax: The Supdesk
Mobile: 0438132760
It all started with an invention! We created a stand up desk with no screws, nut or bolts… We then realised that generally office workers sit all day and are not only destroying their health they are also not having much fun. We decided to start researching the best gizmos and gadgets to bring fun back into the workspace.Cheap Gadgets Online. We source drones, 3d-printers, and all things tech. We also have a passion for office workers to take a stand for their health and wellbeing.

The SUP-Desk is here, to save your ass. The one and only stand up desk that you can put together in under 2 minutes. Fully adjustable to suit your height. It is super strong and sturdy and has multiple configurations. You can have laptops, computers and monitors. Time to look after your health and get on your feet. SUP! Made in Australia and please consider the recycled SUP Desk – No explanation required.