Perth, WA 6000
ECOJARRAH is Perth’s leading distributor of sustainable Wood chip mulch products.

We are completely dedicated to providing a superior economical and substantially sustainable variety of premium high quality grade Wood-chip products for all Landscaping and garden decoration requirements. We provide the Perth Mulch like no other.

Here at ECOJARRAH, our goal is to maintain the level of product that ends up in landfill by ensuring that no Forestry timbers or excess by-product goes to waste. As a result we have a new recycling scheme and end product design far greater than any other on the Perth mulch market.

Our speciality range is various forms of Jarrah however we do supply most common timbers such as Eucalyptus, Pine bark and Red Gum Marri. The benefit of this is the variable colours and options of mulch for you to select from for you mulching needs here in Perth.

Our products are evidently effective in the environmental aim of conservation of water by conducting long and on-going thorough testing of moisture consumption and evaporation from the soil below. Whilst we make all efforts in providing a complete beneficial additive to soils and plantation we desire that you’re Perth commercial or residential property looks aesthetically outstanding and better than expected.

So what makes us so much more amazing than our competitors?

• We specialize in only timber Wood-chip products direct from local Perth mulch manufacturers. In effect, this means we do not supply any other g